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Group of diversity alternative young woman enjoying the sunset at the sea doing hearth sym

The Radiant Heart Collective

A Modern Day Women's Circle Focusing on Inner Light and Connection

Remote, Virtual Gatherings
First Sunday of every Month

Beginning Sunday October 6, 2024
12:30 pm ET / 11:30 am CT / 10:30 am MT / 9:30 am PT

Suggested Donation:  $11

It is time to ground yourself in a new feminine place.

The Radiant Light Collective is a unique container for women seeking a Soulful community, a sisterhood, and spirituality in their lives.  It is a place for women to gather to dream, dance, heal, and grow wise and powerful together.  We explore common ideas, co-create, and support each other and let that ripple out into the collective.  The RHC is a place to be still and tend new roots, heal what is wounded, recover what is lost and it is a place for a woman to remember herself and reclaim her own unique signature of Light.  These monthly gatherings are designed for witnessing each other and to fully experience the magic that happens when women come together in the exchange of energy.

The Radiant Heart Collective is a modern day women's circle for a group of interested women who agree to come together once a month to do some ritualistic things and to talk about our lives as women in a mutual process of self-discovery.  It is an online, virtual pathway toward the much-neglected inner feminine identity and a more confident female self-image.  It is for ordinary, normal, intelligent, and educated women who are conscious of a nagging emptiness and who seek more spirituality in their lives.  Women who together, will shed the conditioning and free ourselves from the molds placed upon us and the constraints of growing up in a male-dominated world and patriarchal system.

The time to embrace our sovereignty is now.  The time to embrace our light is now.   We are being called to open and activate our throat chakras and give ourselves permission to speak up and give voice to our truths.  Women who come together in the rising feminine movement understand that part of what we have come here to do is to reclaim our intuitive nature and Goddess energy -  feminine energy and the practice of receptivity.

Image by Becca Tapert

What Does a Virtual RHC Women's Circle Look Like?

Imagine the comfort of your own home, the energy of your private space, and you, held in a virtual container of safety, support, and love.   Imagine a circle of like-minded women who treat each other with kindness and respect and who listen with compassion and curiosity.   Imagine how we honor each other's unique ways of healing and don't presume to advise, fix, or save one another.  Imagine if you will, a circle of trust in which all stories shared are held in confidence.   Each woman listens with her attention and speaks with intention as all of us tend to the well-being of the circle.  We gather with intent and purpose and embrace all expressions of authenticity.

Each live-streaming circle includes:

• Setting your sacred space / altar (prior to coming online)
• Grounding
• Opening the circle
• Our intention, agreements, and practices
• A guided or silent meditation
• Welcome / Check-In
• A fun and meaningful exercise or ritual
• Sharing rounds
• Closing the circle

Each time women gather in circles with one another the world heals a little more. 


A Sacred Space and Ritual

A personal altar is a thing of beauty. It is a miniature symbolic model of the Universe, containing representations of whatever is meaningful and sacred to the woman who designs it.  As a symbol of the Goddess within and the beauty of the world, it can be as simple as a seashell and a candle or it can be highly elaborate.  Your altar depends on your personal needs, wants, and desires and where you'd like to put your spiritual focus.  Women artistically arrange these sacred spaces and find that when she needs comforting or quiet, she comes to be still and commune with herself within the energy of these meaning objects.  It is a place for her to come to experience calm, beauty, and peace.  Your altar is a reflection of you and it is the center of your personal power.  It represents what you value, what your interests are, and what you are attracted to.  It is your personal signature. It is a reflection of Goddess.

All of us perform daily rituals from the moment our eyes open in the morning.  Examples are:  setting intentions for the day, a morning walk, meditation, that first delicious cup of coffee or tea, scheduling tasks on the calendar, allocating time for emails, unplugging periodically, exercise, journaling, an evening gratitude list, walking the dog, and going to bed early.  These are just some examples of how we perform rituals in our lives.  Now what's the difference between a ritual and a routine?  Your attitude behind the action.  Rituals are viewed as more meaningful practices which have a real sense of purpose.  Through focus and intent, respect and diversity, and art, play, and fun, rituals created with conscious awareness of habits and personal power have the potential to change a culture and the world.



My intention is that every woman who sits in our virtual circle has an experience that supports her and empowers her to live authentically and with purpose. 


I choose to be of service in a way that helps her heal her feminine wounds, reclaim her innocence, and shine her radiant light.    I choose to be of service in ways that empower her life through unraveling and unlearning, and by shedding the old, tight, and confining ways of being a woman.


As a woman makes her feminine soul her primary focus she embraces a new sense of worth and confidence.  She begins to weave her truths into the tapestry of her life and she speaks as if her life depended on it.  She stands centered in herself, in her Heart, in her Light, and knows without question that she is the ultimate authority in her life. 


Living from her own inner guidance, she is sovereign.

I see Goddess in my Self

I have come to understand that to embrace Goddess (feminine energy) is simply to discover the divine in myself as powerfully and vividly feminine.  To understand her intellectually in my mind but most of all to know her deeply in my Soul.   She is a presence.   A knowing born deep inside me.   She emerges from the experience of being relational with her in my willingness to trust and believe in a divine image in feminine form.   


I am choosing to retrieve a consciousness that had been lost, one in which I as a woman have the right to define for myself what is sacred.   A consciousness that connects me to my deepest self, the Earth, and other women.   I am reclaiming the ancient feminine consciousness as a model of what's possible and integrating it not only into my personal life, but into the world as it is now evolving.   It is time to understand, break free, emerge, heal, forgive, flourish, and grow powerful.


Do you have the daring to join me? 

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Reclaim your sacred feminine essence, the power of intuition, and the practice of receptivity.


Connect and nurture your Soul in a non-judgmental space and allow yourself  to feel heard, seen, and held.


Immerse yourself in spirituality, meditation, journaling, sharing, and meaningful ritual.

Empower your life through sisterhood.

When a woman sits in circle something powerful happens. 


She remembers who she is and makes her personal needs her priority.   She invites her Soul to direct her life and her Heart to open to love.  She is strong in her boundaries and fierce in her sovereignty.  She trusts her inner guidance and attracts people that recognize her value.  She acknowledges the truth within herself and speaks that truth in an honest and direct way at times when it's important to do so and with the people it's important to do so with.  She knows that the task of the feminine is to be the vessel that contains her truth, her vision, and her essence.   She feels a sense of unity and understands she is part of something much greater, leaving her feeling empowered to share her gifts in service to humanity.

Four smiling women dressed light summer clothes harm embracing sitting on the meadow bench

Suggested Donation: $11

It is my passion and my pleasure to facilitate this monthly women's circle and I would love to have you join me.

Donate what you can and help us build a community of women who are empowered, authentic, and sovereign. 

*Once your donation is made you will receive an email containing important information including your Zoom link.

One time


The power of women in service to love.

  • How Does Coaching Work?
    Private coaching session are conducted on the telephone (or Zoom) and take place weekly, on the same day of the week and at the same time of day and are generally 60-minutes in length. As a client you will receive access to Luminary Life, your own private online coaching portal. Use the portal to: Connect with Shauna. Check off actions from your personal roadmap. Track your progress with actual data in graph view. Pour over coaching materials and past session notes. Book, cancel, or reschedule appointment sessions. You can even message Shauna when you could use some support. Shauna's clients are required to be in a quiet and uninterrupted space for the length of their sessions. You must be in a private, quiet space, free of distraction or interruptions with your phone on Do Not Disturb. If this cannot be achieved the session will be stopped and we will meet again the following week. No refunds will be issued. Clients are strongly encouraged to take notes, keep a journal, or use the private journal in their Luminary Life Portal. Recordings are not provided. For long-term coaching applicants, an intake questionnaire is required as well as a signed Client Service Agreement. When a monthly installment plan is agreed upon, clients will receive a Credit Card Authorization Form to sign.
  • What Is A Luminary Life Coach?
    It is a person who provides inspiration for others, who inspires or influences others, a guiding Light, a role model, a leader. It is a person who provides a frequency of a healed state for clients to match if they choose to so they can learn how to heal themselves. A Luminary Life Coach is someone who supports clients in creating more Light and Illumination in their life by making conscious, the darkness. The darkness being the unresolved childhood wounds, and the beliefs, definitions, and perceptions that are based in fear, negativity, lack, and limitation.
  • What Is Luminary Life Coaching?
    Luminary Life Coaching is a focus on bringing to Light the client's beliefs, perceptions and wounds that slow down their transformation and keep them anchored to the past in ways they no longer need to experience. It is a process of, again, bringing to Light that which interferes with the client's life choices and behaviors. (Patterns, opposing beliefs, uncomfortable emotions, etc.) As the client peels back the layers of who they are not, the False Self, they expose more Light of the True Self and discover how to know themselves as consciously as possible. Luminary Life Coaching is a way for clients to learn how to raise their own consciousness, reclaim their Spiritual Soul Sovereignty, make the changes they want to make, be the person they prefer to be, and create the life they prefer to live.
  • What Is The Awakened Collective?
    A group of souls who have experienced a spiritual awakening or transformation and are on a journey of self-realization, self-discovery, healing, and higher consciousness. They are someone who aspires to change or transform aspects of themselves and their life, those things that are no longer vibrationally compatible with who they prefer to be and the life they prefer to live. They’ve had an awareness shift and are committed to raising their consciousness. They are women and men on a journey of discovery and awareness. They are students of transformation and change, students of metaphysics and personal development. They are humans who are becoming more conscious, who are seeing, who are perceiving, whose antenna is switched on. They are someone who is questioning the status quo and actively shedding their human conditioning. They are remembering who they really are.
  • How Do I Know If I'm Having A Spiritual Awakening?
    ​As a member of the Awakened Collective, you are someone who has woken up to the idea of your spiritual self. Your shift in consciousness (awareness) may have happened spontaneously or through synchronicity like being introduced to a spiritual teacher. For many it is triggered by a major life change or trauma such as a loss, a medical diagnosis, depression, or a divorce, just to name a few. Those who are spiritually awake are individuals learning to observe patterns of thought and behavior and more easily let go of attachments. They are someone who cultivates more compassion for themselves and others and who has begun to trust and use their intuitive nudges that guide them forward. A spiritually awake person feels a renewed sense of connection at a soul level and actively moves from the idea of separation to a sense of unity and oneness. They have begun to reclaim their inner authority and integrate new truths.
Vintage tones pictures of five women friends viewed from rear giving up hands for happines

The Radiant Heart Collective


Shauna is a Certified Global Sisterhood Circle Facilitator

2024 - 2025 Schedule:

October 6, 2024

November 3, 2024

December 1, 2024

January 5, 2025

February 2, 2025

March 2, 2025

April 6, 2025

May 4, 2025

June 1, 2025

July 6, 2025

August 3, 2025

September 7, 2025

October 5, 2025

November 2, 2025

December 7, 2025

The Radiant Heart Collective themes (in no particular order):

Restoring Balance

Fiercely Me

Heart-Centered Living

The Heroine's Journey

Release Your Voice

A Soul-Driven Life

Wild Passion

Letting Go of Control


A New Narrative

Fierce Love

Redefining Beauty

Shedding False Identities

Healing the Witch Wound

The Energy of Peace

The Waters of Life

New Paradigm Feminine Leadership

The Power of Feeling and the Practice of Being

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